Friday Night Flies – Composite Loop Intruder
Composite loop is a Great way to use multiple materials to form a body on a fly. These Composite loop intruders work great for Salmon and Steelhead. They also work when chasing Trout or...
Composite loop is a Great way to use multiple materials to form a body on a fly. These Composite loop intruders work great for Salmon and Steelhead. They also work when chasing Trout or...
A great mix between a traditional styled spey fly and the new colours and materials that are so effective with today’s fish. For those of us that like throwing long two handed rods this...
Booby flies have become a staple for a lot of stillwater anglers over the past few years. These flies imitate nothing in nature and are a pure attractor pattern. Make them as loud and...
Friday Night Flies – Nightmare Intruder Fly. The Intruder Fly originally tied by Jerry French, and Ed Ward, was a concept pattern. The concept was to tie a large fly pattern with a small...
Friday Night Flies – Spawning Nightmare. This is a good Winter, low and clear pattern. Use this pattern for Pacific Steelhead on the swing. Material List: hook-salmon 1/0 to 5 thread- uni white body...
Friday Night Flies – Nookie Tyme Fly will work for both Chinook and Steelhead. It’s super chunky, heavy and works best when swung or dead drifted. This is a big water fly so don’t...