Friday Night Flies – Pink Salmon Special
Friday Night Flies – Pink Salmon Special . A great Early season Pink Salmon fly that puts the hurt on them. Easily swung through soft, deeper water most effective in that 4′ – 6′ range with the bead size we are running. This fly also works great on the dangle or strip. Use with a sink tip with a sink rate of either type 3 or type 6 depending on water depth and velocity. Enjoy the show!
Material List:
Hook – Gamakatsu L11S-3H Size 6
Thread – 3/0 Uni Thread Red
Tail – Krystal Flash Fl. Pink
Body – Lateral Scale Pink #1735
Collar – Semperfli 15mm Plush Chenille Fl. Pale Pink, 3/0 Uni Thread Red.
Bead – 3/16 Fl. Pink.