Friday Night Flies – Easy Rabbit Zonker Fly
Friday Night Flies – Easy Rabbit Zonker Fly
This fly should not take you much more than 10 minutes to tie if you have everything layed out. As quick as it is to tie, it is a very effective pattern for targeting all Pacific Salmon Species and Steelhead in the Pacific Northwest. It is a swing pattern that is just as effective stripped. This pattern can also be used in Stillwater to represent a large Leech. If you have a lake with big leeches give this pattern a go. Good Luck and Enjoy the Video!
Material List:
Hook: Mustad SL73UBLN-36890 2XH/3XL SIZE 2/0
Thread: Pink Uni-Thread 3/0
Tail: Blue Rabbit Zonker strip, Lateral Flashabou Pink
Body: Purple Rabbit Zonker strip
Collar: Spirit River Lightnin Dub Black
Eye: 3/16 Silver Dumbell
Head: Pink Uni-Thread 3/0, Solarez Bone Dry.