Friday Night Flies – Rod Bender Fly
Friday Night Flies – Rod Bender Fly
If you looking to get into some life changing fish, search no further .FNF’s Rod Bender will catch you Coho and Chum Salmon in the Squamish system that will put the burn in your arms. Use this fly in combination with a sinking tip line and let it swing and hang in the current. The Rod Bender does just that, puts large fish on the end of your line.
Material List
Hook: size 8 Eagle Claw Steelhead Streamer
Bead: 3/16 Cyclops Eye Silver
Thread: 6/0 Uni-Thread Red
Tail: Marabou Chartreuse & Pearl Flash
Body: 6/0 Uni-Thread
Thorax: Cactus Chenille Chartreuse
Wing: Krystal Flash Gold, Flashabou Pear, & Round Barred Rubber Legs Chartreuse/Black
Collar: Laser Dubbing Pink.