Friday Night Flies – EC Caddis Emerger
The Friday Night Flies – EC Caddis Emerger is a pattern that easily takes up a lot of spaces in my “early season” box. This pattern was designed by Sierran Flyfisher, Ralph Cutter back in 1981. The parachute wrapped hackle presents this fly down into the surface film. The two toned body mimics the nymph still partially stuck in the husk adding to the attractiveness of this pattern. There are many colour variations to this fly out there and just as many style variants. Try out a few of your own by following along with our Pro Tyer, Scott LeBoldus.
Material List:
Hook: Mustad Dry size 10 (R50-94840)
Thread: Uni-Thread Camel 8/0
Husk: Superfly Glitter Thread 230 Den Brown, Olive
Body: Awesome Possum Golden Olive
Thorax: Superfly Diamond Dub Olive Peacock
Hackle: Chinese Cock Cape Burnt Orange
Wing: Natural Elk Hair (Chinook Wind Outfitters)