Friday Night Flies – RFR
Friday Night Flies – RFR
Friday Night Flies – RFR (Run Forest Run) is another original FNF creation from the bench of Pro Tyer Scott LeBoldus. This streamer pattern is designed specifically for creek mouth fishing during BC’s winter run-off season. The RFR is best used with full sinking lines swung through the outflow of creeks where Salmon are known to spawn. During the winter run-off, Salmon Fry are being flushed out of their hiding spots and are heavily targeted by large hungry fish. This pattern is big, weighted, and has lots of movement to attract the attention of these fish lying in wait. Join us as Scott takes you through the step-by-step of this great fly pattern. There are a few different techniques used to make the RFR and you will be able to challenge your own tying abilities.
Material List
Hook: Mustad Streamer size 2 (R75-79580)
Thread: Uni-Thread Camel 6/0
Weight: 0.020 Lead wrap
Tail: Saddle Hackle Natural Brown, Saddle Hackle Barred Olive/Drk. Olive
Rib: Palmer Chenille small Olive
Body: Rabbit Dubbing White
Throat: Rabbit Dubbing Hot Pink, Lightnin Dub UV Pink
Lateral Line: Kreinik Metallic Flash Brown
Wing: Red Fox, Craft Fur Olive