Friday Night Flies – Adult Damsel Fly
Friday Night Flies – Adult Damsel Fly
Adult Damsel Fly is absolutely deadly when Trout are feeding on them. Damsel fly hatches happen throughout the summer. Damselflies life cycles vary from 1 to 3 years in length. Larvae undergo numerous instars or molts during their development. At maturity, some larvae can reach over 35 mm in length. Juvenile and maturing larvae seek the cover provided by benthic and emergent vegetation growing on the shoal or littoral zones of the lake or stream.
Material List
Hook: Mustad c49s Size 10
Thread: Uni Thread 6/0 Black
Eyes: Black Mono Eyes
Tail: 2mm Foam Blue, Black Sharpie
Body: 2mm Foam Blue, Ice Dub UV Dark Olive
Wings: Antron Yarn White, Black Crystal Flash