Friday Night Flies – Coho Fry
Friday Night Flies – Coho Fry
Ethan issued us all a challenge to tie up some salmon fry patterns. If you have spent any time in the Pacific Northwest, then you know that the Salmon Fry migration every year signals the start of the new fishing season. After the salmon eggs hatch most of the fry start to make their way out from spawning grounds and head towards the ocean. Enter the sea run cutthroat trout. These fish are predators. Every spring they come back into the rivers to prey on this easy and prevalent food source. You will want to have lightly weighted and unweighted fry patterns in your box as the fry are usually up in the top portion of the water column. It is easy to spot where these fish are as you will almost always see a flurry on activity on the surface of the water as the cutthroat slash at the salmon fry on the surface. The only tricky part is finding these fish. They are always on the move and they rarely stay in the same area for multiple days. You will need to cover a lot of water while hunting these fish. It is a lot of fun and well worth the effort when you do find them.
Material List:
Hook: L87-3665A Size 10 or 8
Thread: UTC70 White
Body: Superfly Antron White, Pearl Krystal Flash, Olive Krystal Flash
Eyes: Superfly Tape Eyes Small
Other: Red, Neon Blue, Brown Sharpies, Solarez Thick, Thin and Bone Dry.