Friday Night Flies – Mayfly – Mosquito
Friday Night Flies – Mayfly – Mosquito
This dry fly builds on the proportions and techniques of last weeks fly. It is a great imitation for adult mayflies, mosquitoes and chironomids. It’s an easy pattern to tie once you get the proportions of the wings down, it’s better to err on the side of smaller than too big. Play around with the colors of the wings to make them easier to see in the water. The fish won’t see the color of the fly, as it will be silhouetted against the sky, so colors aren’t too important.
Material List:
Hook: Daiichi 1170
Thread: Danville’s 70 black
Tail: Grizzly hackle fibres
Body: Superfly Moose mane coated with Solarez super thin uv resin
Wing: Grizzly hackle tips
Hackle: Grizzly hackle.