Friday Night Flies – White Lightning Damsel Nymph
Friday Night Flies – White Lightning Damsel Nymph
I was taking notes while out on the water today. Lots of light colored Damsels making their way to shore for emergence. They slowly wiggle across the upper levels of the water towards the shores edge making them vulnerable to cruising trout. The most effective way to fish this pattern is with a full floating line and a long leader. Short 4 inch continuous strips will induce a strike.
Material List:
Hook: size 6 curved caddis
Thread: Uni-Thread 6/0 Camel
Eyes: 40lbs Mono
Tail: Marabou Tan
Rib: Ultra Wire SM Brown
Body: Ostrich Tan
Legs: Krystal Flash Olive
Head: Ice Dubbing Brown.