Friday Night Flies – Peterson Spawning Shrimp
Friday Night Flies – Peterson Spawning Shrimp
With the cold weather in Canada settling in, many of us take off on vacation to get one last hit of sun before the white out. If you find yourself in this situation, make sure to grab the travel rod and a few saltwater patterns. The Peterson Spawning Shrimp was a pattern recommended to me by fellow guide Thomas Rasmussen who guided out in Barbados for a number of years. I’m glad I took the time to fill a box with these fish treats in a variety of sizes and colors. Not much didn’t touch this fly when I was out on the sand flats in the Caribbean Islands area.
Material List:
Hook: Gamakatsu B10S size 4
Thread: Uni-Thread 6/0 White
Weight: Dumbbell Eyes small
Mouth: Marabou White, Antron Floss Fl. Orange
Tentacles: Pearl Flash Olive
Eyes: 20lb Mono, Solarez Thick, FolkArt Acrylic Paint Glow Pink, Head Cement Black, Solarez thin
Legs: Flat Barred Silly Legs Small Pearl/Purple
Under Body: Antron Floss Cream
Wing: Rabbit Fur White, Craft Fur Tan
Finish: Hares ear Dubbing Cream.