Friday Night Flies – Ally Shrimp Spey
Tier Scott Leboldus came across this Pattern by John Scott and it was something that he just had to add it to his box….so here we are sharing how the Ally Shrimp Spey fly is put together!
The Ally Shrimp represents crustaceans which we know to be a favorite snack for the big fish we are hunting this time of year. Typically this pattern would be seen on the end of a Spey line but it can be just as easily swung on a single hand rod with a heavy sink tip. You got to get this patter down deep to where these fish are sitting. Get out there and get those lines wet.
Material List:
Hook: Mustad 1/0 salmon
Thread: Uni-Thread 8/0 black
Tag & Rib: Uni-French Oval MD Silver
Body: Superfly Antron Yarn Fl.Fire Orange & Diamond Dub Black
Tail: Polar Bear Orange & Pearl Flash Chartreuse
Under Wing: Buck Tail Black
Wing: Golden Pheasant Neck Orange
Collar: Premium Neck Hackle Fire Orange