Friday Night Flies – EC Chironomid
Friday Night Flies – EC Chironomid
This fly is ideal for lakes and slow streams in early spring, when the ice just comes off. The Chironomidae comprise a family of nematoceran flies with a global distribution. They are closely related to the Ceratopogonidae, Simuliidae, and Thaumaleidae. chironomid itself is very small, almost just the hook most times. The chironomid has 3 different life stages: larva (blood worm), pupa and adult (terrestrial). What we try to imitate with chroni fishing is the time when the pupa starts its slow wiggle to the surface because when they are emerging this is also when they are most vulnerable to fish.
Material List:
Head: Crystal craft bead
Body: Black superfly 0/6 thread
Rib: UTC red small wire
Coating: Solerez thin UV hard head.