Friday Night Flies – Mighty Might Golden Stone
Friday Night Flies – Mighty Might Golden Stone
The Mighty might golden stone is a perfect fly pattern for early year. The most important stage of a stone fly in my opinion is its nymph stage because they are more available to trout when crawling along the ground. You can euro nymph these suckers or us a strike indicator. I prefer using a thingamabobber because of the heavy weight of the tungsten head. Golden stone are more abundant in faster moving water because they like oxygenated water, they are also more abundant in higher elevations. Larger golden stones are carnivores so they will feed on small stones, caddis nymphs, mayfly nymphs, midges. Most fast rivers will have a Stonefly of some sort so make sure you have some of these in box!
Material List:
Hook: Partridge CS5/SE/5X streamer size 4
Thread: Superfly tan 6/0
Tail: Superfly black goose biots
Body: Superfly gold glider thread and solorez thin cure
Wing case: CWO goose feather and Superfly golden stone dubbing
Legs: Superfly goose biots
Head: CWO tungsten large cone beed
Antenna: Superfly goose biots