Friday Night Flies – Cosby Egg Sucking Leech
The Cosby Egg Sucking leech was derived from the popular Steelhead Worm made by Mad River. The Cosby Steelhead worm has a Black Body with Silver fleck and a Chartreuse Tail, similar to what we have here. The difference is that we have used all UV materials and added a few extra flowing materials such as Sili Legs. Steelhead can not stand Sili Legs, it drives them nuts! So, take this Steelhead Pattern down to the river and drive them nuts. Tight Lines!
Material List:
Hook: Salmon Single Size 1
Thread: 3/0 Pink Uni-Thread
Tail: Chartruese Rabbit Zonker Strip, Pink Crystal Flash
Body: Dyed UV Polar Chenille Black UV
Legs: Crazy Legs Blue/Hot Pink Tipped
Head: XL Metallic Red Bead.