Friday Night Flies – Miyawaki Beach Popper
Friday Night Flies – Miyawaki Beach Popper
The Miyawaki Beach Popper is no stranger to catching fish off of beaches in the Pacific Northwest. Leland Miyawaki originated this pattern for cutthroat off the beaches around Puget Sound and it has quickly gained a reputation as a must have pattern for Sea Run Cutthroat as well as Coho Salmon.
Material List:
Hook: Straight Eye Hook Shank, Size 2 (Coho) or Size 4 or 6 (Cutthroat) Octopus Style Hook attached with 20 or 25 pound Maxima
Thread: Whatever is on your bobbin
Tail: 2 Grizzly Hackles, 2 strands of Silver Holographic Flashabou, 3 strands of Rainbow Pearl Krystal Flash
Wing: Superfly White Icelandic Sheep, Superfly Olive Icelandic Sheep, 3-5 strands peacock herl
Head: Rainey’s Mini Me Pop size Small (Coho), Rainey’s Pee-Wee Pop (Cutthroat)